PHP frameworks are deployed for exactly the same purpose. Now coding habits and preferences depend on individual developers and there is no such thing as one-size-fits-all in this regard, but a general opinion is necessary for those embarking on their first PHP project or are looking to make changes.

Top 5 PHP Development Frameworks

Based on a survey, here are the top 5 frameworks that PHP web developers love the most:

1. Yii Framework

Launched in 2008, this feature-rich, open-source, object-oriented framework is mostly popular among developers for rapid web application development that also meets the business needs of clients. Be it extensive functionalities, tight security or high flexibility, every aspect of Yii project can be easily optimized and implemented to create the finest of products. MVC, DAO, easy form validation, caching, authentication and role-based access control are just a to mention. 

See More: Top 5 Trending Web Development Frameworks In 2018

2. CodeIgniter

Often appreciated for its small footprint (version 3 is merely 2MB), it also has a reputation of being exceptionally fast. Not strictly based on MVC and offering clear and precise documentation, CodeIgniter is, in fact, a great tool for beginners to start with some small projects and work their way up.

That said, the framework leaves plenty of room for seasoned developers to implement projects through MVC and tweak functionalities through a host of plugins. Almost zero-configuration, no restrictive coding rules, simplicity yet compatibility with standard hosting are a few highlights that contribute to its popularity and make it a fine tool to develop small projects and develop them really fast.

3. Nette

Unlike others in the list, Nette is not a name that you come across often yet it is quite popular among developers. While it does have all the regular features that most PHP development frameworks offer, security is where its true strength lies. CSRF, XSS, session fixation, session hijacking are some of the security features that enable the developers to add an extra layer of security to their web applications.

4. Symfony 2

Primarily known for its reusable components, Symfony has a history of creating the finest of web applications at minimal cost. Be it creating complex products from the start or customizing existing applications to better cater to the target audience, Symfony 2 has all tools intact to create your PHP application the way you want.

5. Laravel Framework

No wonder, Laravel web development tops the chart with a high margin. So, let’s take a look at what lends this framework such immense popularity and has made Laravel web development services the default choice for many.

The key aspect that puts Laravel ahead of other frameworks is that it doesn't stand apart from others, but is combines the features of most of the other PHP frameworks. For instance, it also uses some components of Symfony so that the developers do not have to hunt them individually.

Benefits of Using Laravel PHP Framework

Also, the benefits of using Laravel framework include:

  • Neat and easily readable code due to simple and expressive syntax.
  • Automation of common tasks like routing, sessions, authentication.
  • Highly compatible with a variety of databases including MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, but not limited to them.
  • Robust MVC and ORM features.
  • Highly structured and organized architecture ensures the future maintenance to be as smooth as development itself.
  • Large and active support community.

So, if you have a PHP application to develop, all the above options are available to give impressive results.

But if top-notch PHP application is what you aim to achieve, look no further than Laravel.

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